M2 PROGRAM (2nd year)

Semester 3 – Specialization – 30 ECTS

September/October – March
Marseille or Karlsruhe or Barcelona or Tampere or Vilnius

Semester 3 is dedicated to more specific courses with strong links with the research laboratories.

This 3rd specialization semester is proposed as a choice (restricted to conditions depending on the places available in each institution) between Marseille, Karlsruhe, Barcelona, Tampere and Vilnius.

Students may choose between different elective courses, mediated according to the tutor’s advice.

 S3 – Marseille (detailed program here)

Advanced Theoretical Optics

Quantum Optics & Quantum Information


Advanced Computational EM methods

Modern Lasers & Laser-Matter interaction

Optical Components

Photonics for Biomedical Applications

Instrumentation for Astronomy

Innovation & Patenting


French Language & Culture

S3 – Tampere (detailed program here)

Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics

Surface Science of Photonic Nanomaterials

Optoelectronic Devices & Technology

Photonic Materials

Applications of Laser Technology

Advanced Laser Technology

Starting Finnish

S3 – Karlsruhe (detailed program here)

Photonic Materials & Devices

Optical Waveguides & Fibers

Optical Transmitters & Receivers

Field Propagation & Coherence

Solid-State Optics

X-Ray Optics

Optical Network & Systems

Laser Physics

Quantum Optics

Adaptive Optics

Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Solid-State Optics

Plastic Electronics


Electric Power Generation & Power Grid

Solar Thermal Energy Systems

Computational Physics

Seminar Courses (Research Topics)

German Language & Culture

S3 – Vilnius (detailed program here)

Technological Equipment for Laser Processing

Technologies of Optical and Laser Related Components


Fiber Physics and Technology

Electronics and Photonics Market

Scientific Research Work

Lithuanian Language & Culture

S3 – Barcelona (detailed program here)

Quantum Optics

Quantum Optics

From Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms to Bose-Einstein Condensates

Quantum Simulators with Ultracold Quantum Gases

Quantum Theory: Communication & Computation

Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications

Machine Learning on Classical & Quantum Data

BioPhotonics & Imaging

Experimental Optical Techniques in Biology

Image Processing in Biophotonics

Visual Optics & Biophotonics

Materials & Nanophotonics

Photonics Materials & MetaMaterials

Nonlinear Optics – Part II


Ultrafast & Ultraintense Laser Light

Telecommunication & Photonics Circuits

Fibers & Telecommunications

Integrated Photonics

Laser Applications in Remote Sensing: LIDAR

Optoelectronics & Photovoltaic Technology

Optical Engineering

Laser Systems & Applications

Managing Light with Devices

Measuring with Light

Active & Spectral Imaging

Business & Patents in Photonics

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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