Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree EUROPHOTONICS
International Master Program in
Photonics Engineering, Biomedical Imaging, Quantum Optics, Laser Optics, Optics for Astronomy, Nanophotonics, Biophotonics
2-years Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree scholarships funded by the European Agency can be obtained after a selection procedure for students who join the program at the M1 level (1st year)
Self-funded students may benefit from Erasmus+ mobility scholarships depending on their mobility path
Candidates from all countries can apply
The field of optics / photonics, the science of light, is booming and involves a large number of interdisciplinary activities in health, environment, energy, transport, telecommunications with significant economic and societal benefits. Optics / photonics plays a key role in fundamental discoveries and in new technologies, with theoretical and experimental aspects. Photonics is considered by the European Commission as one of the “Key Enabling Technologies (KET)” which are increasingly driving innovation today and will continue to drive innovation in the future.
The EUROPHOTONICS Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) started in 2010 is a two years Master program focusing on advanced research and applied topics that will constitute the near and extended future scientific goals in the field of Photonics, with interdisciplinary applications. Master students benefiting from this program will be able to work on today’s new challenges in their academic or applied research careers: understand and control matter and optical phenomena at the nanometric scale, provide new imaging and monitoring tools for complex biological processes from cells and tissues to clinical applications, bring new and original tools for future optical devices. After being graduated, the Europhotonics students obtain positions in industries, in research laboratories, in universities worldwide.
Depending on their diploma level, students can join the Master in the first year (M1) or in the second year (local Masters at M2 level).
The Europhotonics master has been selected several times by the European Agency in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJM). The partners of the current program are: AMU Marseille, KIT Karlsruhe, the Universities of Barcelona, TAU Tampere-Finland, Vilnius University-Lithuania. Several non European Universities are also partners of the program.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.